Formless Love: Love Of Oneness n Connect

Yuvraj Dhepe
7 min readDec 18, 2020


As per the title, today’s theme is about selfless love. This is an experience which I recently had and can be broken down in the following constructs:
1) How World Views Selfless Love.
2) Self View of Selfless Love kinda infinite view as anything selfless is infinite.
3) How to relate to this infiniteness of selfless love in this finite human form.
4) Conclusion.

Firstly let’s talk about World view of selfless Love:
Many of us recognize this formless love as selfless love. I call this formless love for a reason, but before I share my xperience, let’s have a world perspective.
While trying to frame a story on selfless love I came across these forms of selfless love:
a) Selfless love which we receive from grandparents.
b) Selfless love which we receive from parents.
c) Selfless love which we receive from our mother.
d) Selfless love of a lover.

All these bits are selfless for sure in its own terms but none of them is able to fill the aspect of true selflessness. The major reason I believe is that all these bits are confined to 1 phase of life. No worries of this but being selfless in one perspective of life is not truly selfless is it ?

True selflessness has to come from all aspects of life, not just one.

Secondly, let me share How I View Selfless Love which is an infinite view as anything selfless is infinite I believe.
(PS: This may be truly orthogonal to your view but we can accept it as everyone has their own views.)

To find what truly selflessness is, I started to self-introspect and look inside of me and found this experience having the value to share:

Selfless love or what I call formless love, for me breaks down to 2 bits:
First is Becoming Formless and Secondly Doing Love.. both go hand in hand, and one is incomplete without the other.

Let’s take it one by one:
Firstly What do I mean by Formless ?
For me being formless is a concept of oneness in which every minute particle of energy is believed to come from one single aspect or say 1 root. There is no separateness or distinction in any particle at all. Becoming Formless is to unite the mind, body, soul, heart with the universe, so that everything is one.

This whole oneness thing, I call as formless, as the experience is self-generatory when every energy particle converges to one whole, and nothing is there to produce external influence which will affect the form of oneness and hence this oneness never experiences that something exists other than itself and thus it has infiniteness or put simply in words its formless.

Between the start and end the one form or formless aspect requires to break down itself to individual pieces to experience itself.

Each piece has some form and amount of energy. Every piece is unique but connected as it has 1 Root (Starting pt) and 1 End. Because of this division of one form to multiple forms we see different personalities of humans around us, we are able to feel auras from the variety of flora and fauna present in this world.

I think in these pieces the formless being makes experiences through the pieces experiences and interaction of the pieces.

Now when I connect myself to these above thoughts, I feel a sense of being part of something larger than myself.. I am not describing the aspect of GOD here, but just a connection which can’t be put in mere words, consider it as kinda:


Secondly What do I mean by Doing Love?
This whole experience of big magic, being aware of oneness is what I call being formless and then sharing the energy back to universe which we gain by this connection is what I call Doing Love.

I hope by now you could have understood a bit of what I mean by being formless and what do I mean by doing love.

Lets now move forward with the 3rd Construct of this xperience i.e:

How to relate to this infiniteness of selfless love in this finite human form ?

Let’s put it in this way. This task is like fitting an elephant into a mice hole… well this is possible if the hole has a huge depth and breadth.

Did you understand what I said ?
→ Let me clarify, by mice hole I mean our human life, by elephants I mean the concept of formless love and connect to oneness, finally by depth and breadth of hole I mean the understanding of human life and human soul we have*

This whole process of putting an elephant into a mice hole is possible if we increase understanding of our own soul, our own inside in this human life, i.e understanding the concept of self first is necessary to become truly selfless.

….Wait Wait what ?

Yup you read it right to become selfless we need to understand self first.
Well you may now ask why ?
→ Because each time we try to understand ourselves we come to acceptance to these bits of:
1) What we are ?
2) Who we are ?
3) What we are grateful for ?
4) What is our purpose ?

In Fact this whole post is inspired by my answer to these 4 questions.
Now I hope you can get how much deepness is there in just these 4 questions.

Coming to the last construct of this xperience:
How will this self-awareness bit which you will get in some aspect by finding answers to these above 4 questions help in connecting or being selfless and doing selfless love ?

Let me give you a birds eye view that this whole selflessness concept begins when we start gaining understanding of self, understanding our own needs and desires.

Finally after doing these bits, one may find a place to fit in the whole oneness and that’s when selflessness will be achieved I believe and we are able to love selflessly.

This whole can be seen as playing a jigsaw puzzle in which you see the shape and size of a piece (i.e your life here) and put it into the place where it will fit in a jigsaw puzzle (i.e oneness being or formless aspect I shared earlier.)

The place where we actually fit allows us to act from a zone i.e really about giving, a zone which is bigger than our own desires and wants. Hence we truly ask for less and keep giving. This nature of giving without expecting is what we call as selfless love in this world isn’t it…

This whole process of finding right place for right piece in jigsaw puzzle explains:
Why Mother is able to give selfless love ?
→ Because she has found the fit for herself in the motherhood role.
Why Grandparents or Parents give selfless love ?
→ Because they found their fit in the family of being XP sharers and storytellers.
Why True mentors in life give selfless love ?
→ Because they found their fit of teaching what they learnt so that mentees don't face the same problem they faced.

Likewise, anywhere if one experiences selflessness, it’s just because one has found a right fit to some aspect in life. Again for me being truly selfless, in all aspects of life requires work, introspection and after we are truly self-aware at some level, we start placing ourselves as pieces in 1 whole big formless or one jigsaw puzzle.

Selflessness and selfless love is truly selfless when we become more self-aware and start practicing selfless love in one aspect at the start and when we start finding our fits in the bigger jigsaw puzzle automatically you will give selfless love.

Finally last but not the least you may think I might be either totally a crazy person or a person of good intellect…
Well Don’t know about your perspective, but to be true I am kinda a normal person, whose ancestors are again orangutans. I am just experiencing life as it’s moving through different genres. I am surely a simple being who also has flaws, but am learning to accept them and if possible remove them.

All these above bits which I expressed in this post is merely a piece of my experience and one aspect of my vision which I have in my life i.e to become selfless.

Also I don’t hate all the pre-definition of selfless love out there of motherhood, of grandparents love or say lovers love. I do love them and they were the initial steps before coming to the above expressed thoughts in the post. If you have any experience regarding being selfless, or sharing selfless love, I would love to know. You can share in the comments.

If you are new here, feel free to join me on this 15 stories journey, where I share 1 story per 2 days, the one you read is 6th one.

Feel free to read the 5th one
#S5:Happiness = Tribes + Dreams.

Thank you for reading.
Yours Sharer



Yuvraj Dhepe

Love to put pen to paper & share thoughts on Love, Work, Play, Health. Mostly a cool n calm human working with devotion following my intellectual curiosity. ✌🌷