Shang-Chi & The legend of the 10 Rings.
Shang-Chi & The Legend of 10 Rings is another mystic category brought into Marvel Universe. The movie starts with old tale of a king who found the 10 rings, overtime got greedy for power of more, found love, got 2 little one’s i.e. Shang-Chi and a younger daughter. Overtime the king started to change to a good person, faces a tragedy loosing his love and chooses greed and power over love in thirst to find his lost love back. Meantime the kids grow up, who fled from home when they were young and felt it’s not so great to stay with Dad. However dad’s thirst reunites the trio with a few more additional characters in the movie. Soon comes the legendary story of dragon, mystic evil forces and how the ancestors of Shang-Chi’s mother overcame the mystic forces. However blind in love & with thirst to get his love back the king doesn’t see the unfair side of love which influenced him to chase power n greed over love in the first place. This leads to freeing of dark powers.
Shang-Chi now being a protagonist has to do 3 things now:
- Overcome his past by accepting Self’s both good n bad.
- Fight his dad for the right reasons.
- Save the world with his sister, aunt, his own love and yup let’s not forget the Dragon comes to the rescue as well.
The movie is a beautiful depiction of crucial lessons one can apply to one’s own life and create a life not of extremities but of balance.
Ready for it lets get to it. Here are the 10 most relevant learnings from the movie.
1) Be capable enough to fulfill best of your own needs.
Shang-Chi & His sister do this exceptionally well, but the roads of them are totally different to become capable and fulfilling their needs while surviving the real world.
2) Your partner brings a whole new world-view to your life.
As the king’s love brought for him.
3) If you aim at nothing, you hit nothing.
A lesson by Granny to Shang-Chi’s partner.
4) You are the product of all who came before you, all good n bad is all the art of who you are, stop hiding nephew. It only prolongs the pain.
A nice learning for our protagonist from his aunt to accept what has happened is happened.
5) Lead with your breath, look into your heart the light and dark. To know yourself you need to face the both.
Shang-Chi’s Mothers teaching which he remembers.
6) Nature requires no explaination, just acceptance and balance.
7) Take everything given to you by your Ma n Pa and make it yoru own.
8) The power is not in hands or control of someone but it surrounds self and cares for self.
Shang-Chi when gets the 10 rings while fighting with his dad, the rings revolve around him and are not in his hands.
9)A thousand years ago & A thousand years from now we will always be together.
Villagers respecting the ones who left their mortal body while fighting the evil forces.
There were the 9 lessons of wisdom from the movie which resonated with me the most from the Shang-Chi movie. Hope you liked it.
If you watched it also and had anything different than the above learnings or a new perspective to the learnings I shared, share it in the comments, but if you are gonna watch the movie, apologies for the spoilers but still do watch cause its a good one, and you may find a different perspective on the things I mentioned.
Your sharer,